Citizens of Nowhere

The Apatride Network, Café Mondial and Amnesty International Konstanz invite you to the screening of the award winning short-film documentary Citizens of Nowhere, followed by a informal presentation and discussion.

Citizens of Nowhere

Citizens of Nowhere is a powerful short film that sheds light on the heart-rending stories of stateless people in the United States, whose lives have been hold for years.
Statelessness is one of the most overlooked human rights issues, affecting countless people worldwide.

Citizen of Nowhere Film Poster

Apatride Network

The screening will be followed up by an informal discussion on statelessness (in the EU), hosted by members of Apatride Network.
Apatride Network 
is an organization that consists of and for stateless people who are currently located in the European Union. Its members are dedicated to create a safe network for affected individuals and groups.